

I have recieved a lot of mail in the a last week urging me to continue on with my project.. Here are a few exerpts



> It was weird. Last night I came home late and I was looking for these photos I had taken last year of the WTC from a series I had done on the Brooklyn Bridge. I felt like someone had died and I was poring over old letters to find details about them. Instead I came across these photos -- I still haven't been able to find my Brooklyn Bridge series.

>I used to run on the Brooklyn Bridge. It was a cool game, created totally by surprise. I'd run towards Brooklyn and forget about Manhattan for a few minutes then I'd turn around to go back across the >bridge and see the brilliant Manhattan skyline in all its glory.

> I and a friend used to call the Towers the guardians of the city, standing tall and shining in the night. It's like two old friends are gone. It's really strange. Of course, that doesn't compare to the fact that 5,000 old friends of the city are really gone.

> Mary Huhn

>Hey John,

>Crazy past week we had my friend but I hope this email finds you well. I read your last entry into your travelogue with concern and amazement. I guess we will all have those stories of what we were doing when tragedy struck America .

>I was standing at a bar on a Carnival FUN Ship celebrating my honeymoon somewhere in the Caribbean. My wife and I just wanted to go home to be with family and friends from that point on .

>We are now back and happy to be home. I hope you made it back safe and sound as well. You are still invited to Hampton Virginia if you make it back this way.

>You should continue your journey across this great country we call home. You would miss a great opportunity to document the images and feelings of the people you might meet on your travels in these tragic but historical times.

>P.S. She loved the album "How To Belly Dance For Husband" from your life!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Sean


>> I read your account of the terrorist attack on NY with interest. I think you had the right idea, going back to Iowa to regroup. I also appreciated your feelings about people who are taking unfair advantage of this crisis, and who don't seem to grasp the horror and the pain.

>>I've been thinking about what you wrote: "How the hell was I supposed to talk about this project when people where dying in NYC and DC? How could anybody sit and listen to me talk about my salt shaker in Portland, Maine? My project seemed so completely inconsequential."

>> I understand what you mean. My friends and fans are used to me being enthusiastic about totally inconsequential stuff just because it makes me laugh. It makes them laugh, too. Last week, I emailed my list of people (80+ or so) with the thoughts that are now on my web site. What I wrote was much different than what they're used to reading from me, and I got a great response. When I went to Virginia for a couple of days this weekend, people came up to me and hugged me and told me that they found my words helpful.

>>Yet this week, I want to get back to talking about Big Heads and Tacky Treasures. How do I make the transition, and how will people react? Does this make sense to you?

>>What I'm trying to say is, don't give up on your project, because the fact that you're driven to do it is what makes you who you are, much more than all that stuff you auctioned off.

>> Incidentally, while hanging out in the mountains, I started thinking that I should try to unload some of my stuff in case I decide that living just outside Washington, D.C. isn't the most sane thing to do any more.

>> Have a peaceful day,

>Hi John,

> Just read your dispatch of your NY experience. I'm happy to hear that you escaped from such a horrific event. I have a son traveling in Germany but haven't heard from him since Tues. I'll be happier when I hear that he is ok as well.

>Take good care of yourself. I'll be watching for your reports when you are able to travel again. It's O K to do your own thing and live your own life. Don't let maniacs take your joy. One of you balances out all of "them".

>>Good luck,
>> Regina


Here is a message to us from Alaina:

>Oh, and photoblasters... they're a kids camera and take four separate photos per frame. They're great for parties. I have a friend here who has 7 yr old twin girls and whenever we go anywhere I give them mine to go mad with. She won't let me give them one of their own because Poppy takes more pictures than any human being I've ever seen. She took 92 inside of 15 minutes the last time I gave her mine. Attached are a couple of Poppy's photos. I desperately want to get her a show.


